Since 4/10/1999,
One Million Hits Plus:

To Be A Fake Master

OK, Now that we have everything needed to create your booster pack let us begin by opening your Graphic program up. Find the open button and find the file main-blank.psd (for Photoshop Users) or booster-blank.jpg (For any other graphics program). It should look some what like this...

Now lets have a little fun and add in a Background, since my expansion is the X Expansion I will add in a gigantic X !


Now to add in a little text across the bottom, remember, you can use your program's text feature to add this in.

Now To add in the Standard Booster Pack Pictures !

You may have to re-position the text that you have placed previous to this step. After that is complete, move to step 3 for the Pokemon Placement.


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