A handy-dandy little guide to know what type attack does what to which Pokemon. Huh?
Pokémon Types (The numbers going up-and-down is the attack type, while the numbers going left-to-right is the Defending Pokémon's type.) 1: Normal 2: Fire 3: Water 4: Electric 5: Grass 6: Ice 7: Fighting 8: Poison 9: Ground 10: Flying 11: Psychic 12: Bug 13: Rock 14: Ghost 15: Dragon 16: Dark 17: Steel
Pokémon Types (The numbers going up-and-down is the attack type, while the numbers going left-to-right is the Defending Pokémon's type.)
1: Normal
2: Fire
3: Water
4: Electric
5: Grass
6: Ice
7: Fighting
8: Poison
9: Ground
10: Flying
11: Psychic
12: Bug
13: Rock
14: Ghost
15: Dragon
16: Dark
17: Steel
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