MissingNo in Pokémon
A little info on it...
This is probably the most useful and well known copy of
MissingNo. avaliable.
An Item Glitch: If you see Missingno and do not
catch it, the item in the 6th slot of your item bag is
duplicated 128 times. By doing so, you can basically get
unlimited numbers of any item in the game.
Other Pokémon Grabbag: When you do the
Get-Missingno thingy, there are other Pokémon besides
Missingno that you can catch. Apparently it's based on your
Trainer number; I for one catch a lot of Fearow and others
catch a lot of Wartortles. Hmmm...
A Graphical Glitch: If you catch Missingno, you
get a cool Pokémon to show off. But you also screw up
some of the graphics in the game and your Pokémon
League stats page is forever glitched. But this is a merely
cosmetic glitch, it doesn't affect the game.
The Brothers Missingno: There are actually two
kinds of Missingno in this game: "Missingno." and
" "
(or "M Block"). "Missingno" is the safer version; although
it'll glitch your graphics, it's still safe to keep. "M
Block" on the other hand WILL screw up your game pack
royally. If you hear from someone that you shouldn't catch
Missingno, they're actually refering to M Block and not
plain ol' Missingno.
Programmer Easter Egg?: Perhaps. Missingno sounds
like Missingo, which sounds like flamingo. And a flamingo is
a bird who likes the water, and Missingno is a Bird-type who
can fly and knows Water Gun... one day I'll meet the
Programers at a nursing home and bug them about Missingno.
Programmer's Cheat?: It's also said that this the
game developers added this into the game just to get a lot
of items so they can progress through the game easier. But
I'm curious; why would the programers stick Missingno
towards the end of the game?
Gold And Silver Fun: Trade Missingno from your
Red/Blue pack to your Gold/Silver pack and it may turn into
a real Gold/Silver Pokémon. I think. Don't take my
word on this though.
Game Stats
#000, No Pokédex entry.
Bird/Normal Type Pokémon (Not "Flying" type
though... hmm...)
High attack, larger than Dragonite's. But all
other stats are pathetic.
When caught, it know two sets of Water Gun and Sky
Base Stats:
HP: 33
ATK: 136
DEF: 0
SPD: 29
SPC: 6
HM/TM You Can Teach It:
TM01 - Mega Punch
TM02 - Razor Wind
TM03 - Swords Dance
TM05 - Mega Kick
TM06 - Toxic
TM09 - Takedown
TM11 - Bubblebeam
TM14 - Blizzard
TM20 - Rage
TM26 - Earthquake
TM30 - Teleport
TM43 - Sky Attack
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Thunderwave
TM49 - Tri AttacK
HM01 - Cut
HM02 - Fly
To catch MissingNo...
You'll need both the "Fly" and "Surf" TM's (obviously
taught to your Pokémon), as well as been to both
Viridian City and Cinabar Island (because you'll need to fly
to each place).
Start off at Viridian City and talk to that old guy to
wanted his coffee early on in the game. He'll ask if you're
in a hurry, tell him "NO". The guy will then teach you how
to catch a Pokémon. When he's done, immediately fly
to Cinabar Island.
Now that you're on Cinabar Island, walk due East to the
water and Swim. However you must swim on the edge of the
water, where the land and sea meet. Keep there swimming
up-and-down only until you are attacked by a Pokémon.
Sometimes you might meet some Lv. 40-ish Safari Zone
Pokémon there. However you will meet up with
Missingno eventually (and you can tell by the longer than
normal pause between Swimming and the Battle Scene).
Now at this point you can get a ton of whatever item is
in your 6th slot, or you catch Missingno and add it to your
collection of rare and valuable Pokémon (right up
there with your GameSharked Mew).
Tadah, Missingno is now yours. Good times.
MissingNo in Pokémon
A little info on it...
Not much is known about G/S's Missingno... it's there,
but that's it.
Game Stats
#252-255, No Pokédex entry.
Unknown Type Pokémon
Has foot print data. However the footprint is that of
Donphan, with the exception that the numbers 252, 253, 254,
and 255 are printed in them for the appropriate
To catch MissingNo...
There's some Game Shark codes for it, but if you catch
it, the game will glitch, so...
MissingNo in Pokémon
A little info on it...
This is a recent development in the world of
Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon players. More on this as it
happens. :)
Number 390?: Considering how both "?-in-Circle"
and "??" Missingnos have different icons, it might be the
case that there are more than 1 Missingno. Or two for that
matter. Taking into account that there are like 386
Pokémon in Ruby/Saphire, and ?? is #390, there's
gotta be 3 others as well. More on this as it happens as
well. ;)
Full entry: It is rather interesing that the
Pokédex entry for "?-in-Circle" is actually IN
ENGLISH. I wonder why...
Game Stats
#000, "This is a newly discovered POKéMON.
It is currently under investigation." / "No detailed
information is available at this time."
It's icon is a golden Bulbasaur: 
After catching the game freezes up or the caught
Pokémon will disappear.
#390, glitched PokéDex entry.
Normal-type Pokémon
It's cry sounds like Bellossom's cry, albeit slightly different.
It's icon is a perspective ?: 
?? only knows Tackle. It cannot learn any HM's or
TM's, and does not learn any new attacks as it levels up.
"??'s" Stats (at LV 100):
HP: 228
AT: 329
DF: 117
SA: 336
SD: 127
SP: 333
To catch MissingNo...
Game Shark, my good man. I'll have some codes up soon,
but for now, head your way over to GameFAQs.com
for more info and the codes.
Other MissingNo. and glitch
Interestingly enough, more than one Missingno exists in
Red/Blue/Yellow. Kaiserin Myuu sat down one day and and
fiddled around with her game. Apparently the Missingno with
the Bird/Normal types isn't the one Missingno out there.
A quick sample:
Name: Rainer #205
Type: Normal/Ground
Name: Spooky #213
Type: Normal/Ghost
Name: Pokemaniac #234
Type: Pokemania/9
The list is far from complete... Myuu has them all
written down, along with the Gameshart codes to catch 'em.
There's also a glitch item chart for Red/Blue and a Yellow
Missingno guide. .... But all this will be posted at the
appropriate time. Mwhahaha....
Code: XX
Name: ML
Price: $915,086
Effect: Seizure code, game flashes assorted colors.
Code: XX
Name: MP-
Price: $955,081
Effect: Starts playing begining theme than all pokemon crys.
Code: XX
Price: $509,280
Effect: Restarts music