Since 4/10/1999,
One Million Hits Plus:

To Be A Fake Master
Text Placement Guide

This page here gives you a good idea where to place the text on the card so that it looks a lot more real (as if a REAL WotC card designer designed your card).

"American" Style Blanks
This symbol placement info pretains to the "American" style cards. Now this info can be adapted to ANY American stlye blanks, not just the ones found at PA!.
The LEFT edge of the Pokémon's name on a BASIC Pokémon aligns with the left edge of the word "Basic Pokémon".

As for Evolution Pokémon, make it a little bit out. But as long as it doesn't touch the gold "Previous Stage" icon, that's fine.

Hits Points (HP):
The bottom of the HP lines up with the bottom of the Name, and is a TAD bit away from the Type symbol.

Stat Bar:
In the middle. What else?

The LEFT edge of the attack lines up with the last S in Weakness.

The attack TEXT ends considerably away from the damage done, or at the RIGHT side of the stat bar if there is no damage.

Damage Done:
Regular damage ends at the letter T in retreat cost, but a tad bit to the left. MULTIPLIER damage (50+, 20x, 40-) end at the RIGHT side of the divider bar.

Pokémon Powers:
The LEFT side of the power begins where the left side of the stat bar is (or it may be extended to anywhere between the left side of the picture border and the left side of the stat bar). The RIGHT side of the ends at the RIGHT side of the stat bar (if you can help it). If the Pokémon power is REALLY big, then it can extend past the right side of the stat bar.


"Gym" Style Blanks
This symbol placement info pretains to the "Gym" style cards. Now this info can be adapted to ANY Gym style blanks, not just the ones found at PA!.

Name, HP, Stat Bar, Damage Done, Pokémon Powers:
All the same as the American ones able.

The LEFT side of the attack begins where the LEFT side of the weakness is, or at the T in "(retreat) cost".

Along that edge right there.


Now as for the rest (flavor text, Evolves from text, Illus, card number), those can be placed in the relative spots.... meaning as long as you put them in the right place, then they won't matter so much (and frankly no one will nit-pick about it).

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