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To Be A Fake Master
Symbol Placement Guide

This here guide is the Bible when it comes to symbol placements. Treat the sacred wisdom on this page like you'd treat your own kids.... maybe even more. ;) Each of these will include an example image for easier understanding.

"American" Style Blanks
This symbol placement info pretains to the "American" style cards. Now this info can be adapted to ANY American stlye blanks, not just the ones found at PA!.
Attack Costs:
The left side of a single attack energy cost (like 1 energy attack costs) are aligned with the left side of the word WEAKNESS, although just a tad bit to the right.

The left side of a double attack energy cost (like 2 energy attack costs) are aligned with the left side of the dividing bar.

Right UNDER the letters "AKN" in "WEAKNESS", and generally in the middle of the row.

Right UNDER the letters "ISTA" in "RESISTANCE". The -30 begins under the letters "CE".

Retreat Cost:
For ONE or THREE energy retreat costs, the MIDDLE colorless symbol's mid-point points between the letters A and T in "Retreat".

For TWO energy retreat costs, the FIRST colorless symbol's midpoint points between the letters second set of R and E in "Retreat".

For FOUR energy retreat costs, the SECOND colorless symbol's midpoint points between the letters second set of R and E in "Retreat".


"Gym" Style Blanks
This symbol placement info pretains to the "Gym" style cards. Now this info can be adapted to ANY Gym stlye blanks, not just the ones found at PA!.

Attack Costs:
The left side of a single attack energy cost (like 1 energy attack costs) are aligned with the letter A in the word "weakness".

The left side of a double attack energy cost (like 2 energy attack costs) are aligned with the left side of the dividing bar.

Right ABOVE the letter T in "Retreat Cost", and generally in the middle of the word Weakness.

About one symbol out from the word "Resistance". The -30 is respectivly out a bit from the type symbol, but no farther than the edge of the little divider line.

Retreat Cost:
Right UNDER the first S in the word Resistance.


Other symbols like Set Symbol, Rarity, and the Gym Leader's Badge Icon are all relative, that is they go basically where the area is for them. It doesn't matter really where the SPECIFIC place for them goes, just as long as they're in the same general area, then no one will make a fuss.

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