Since 4/10/1999,
One Million Hits Plus:

GenCon 2003 - Indianapolis, Indiana.
Meet some of us at GenCon this year!

If you're bored this year and are looking for some excitement, check out GenCon! It's four days of sheer gaming madness between July 24th-27th. And better yet, some of us at PA! will be there. And by "some of us", I mean two of us. Myself (Nick15), and Kaiserin Myuu. I'll be the guy holding the deck box with short hair and glasses, so I won't be hard to spot.

See? And Kaiserin Myuu will be the female wearing a black trench coat with me. So if you do see me or Kaiserin Myuu, ask one of us for a fake card and we'll give you one. Maybe it'll be a Razzo promo card. Who knows (we don't). Heh, and maybe you could give us one of your own fake cards for us to add to our growing collection of fan fakes. Good times.

Now I do have a few plans for some late night tournament fun, as well as some other fakey goodness, but nothing official. Yet. Though once I do make it official, I'll post it here. OK? In the mean time though... here is the event schedule for GenCon. You might spot us in them.

Final Pokemon League
July 25-26 11am &endash; 8pm
July 27 noon-5pm
  • $5.00 entry fee
  • each player given never before released Pokemon League pin
  • find another league member and play 1 game
  • earn 2 points for win, 1 for loss
  • after reporting each player pulls from the box of cards, winner decides which one to keep, other player keeps the other
  • highest 3 scores of each day win prizes
  • highest 3 scores of convention win prizes
  • daily prizes
  • 1st 50 of each foil energy
  • 2nd 25 of each foil energy
  • 3rd 10 of each foil energy

  • Convention Prize
  • 1st 3 cases of Assorted Pokemon Boosters, 100 of each foil energy, additional assorted goodies
  • 2nd 2 cases of Assorted Pokemon Boosters, 50 of each foil energy, additional assorted goodies
  • 3rd 1 case of Assorted Pokemon Boosters, 25 of each foil energy, additional assorted goodies

8 Player Sealed pickup events

  • $12.00 entry fee
  • each player given 6 boosters (1 Destiny, 1 Expedition, 2 Aquapolis, 2 Skyridge) to build a 40 card deck

  • Prizes
  • 1st 8 Skyridge booster packs, 4 of each Foil Energy
  • 2nd 4 Skyridge booster packs, 2 of each Foil Energy
  • 3rd-4th 2 Skyridge Booster packs, 1 of each Foil Energy

8 Player Booster Draft pickup events

  • $12.00 entry fee
  • each player given 6 boosters (2 Expedition, 2 Aquapolis, 2 Skyridge) to draft and then build a 40 card deck

  • Prizes
  • 1st 8 Skyridge booster packs, 4 of each Foil Energy
  • 2nd 4 Skyridge booster packs, 2 of each Foil Energy
  • 3rd-4th 2 Skyridge Booster packs, 1 of each Foil Energy

Constructed Tournaments (Swiss) Modified
July 24 9am
July 25 7pm
July 26 4pm
July 27 1pm

July 24 5pm
July 26 7pm
July 27 11am

14 and Under Modified
July 24 1pm
July 25 2pm
July 26 1pm
July 27 9am

  • $6.00 entry fee

  • Prizes
  • 1st 48 Skyridge booster packs, 15 of each Foil Energy
  • 2nd 36 Skyridge booster packs, 10 of Each Foil Energy
  • 3rd-4th 24 Skyridge booster packs, 7 of each Foil Energy
  • 5th-8th 18 Skyridge booster packs, 4 of each Foil Energy
  • 9th-16th 6 Skyridge booster packs, 2 of each Foil Energy
  • 17th-32nd 3 Skyridge Booster packs, 1 of each Foil Energy

Team Multi-play Constructed Tournament (Swiss)
July 24 3 pm

  • $10.50 entry fee (per 2 player team)
  • Modified Constructed

  • Prizes
  • 1st team 108 Skyridge booster packs, 30 of each Foil Energy
  • 2nd team 72 Skyridge booster packs, 20 of each Foil Energy
  • 3rd-4th team 48 Skyridge booster packs, 14 of each Foil Energy
  • 5th-8th team 36 Skyridge booster packs, 8 of each Foil Energy
  • 9th-16th team 12 Skyridge booster packs, 4 of each Foil Energy
  • 17th &endash; 32nd team 6 Skyridge Boosters, 2 of each Foil Energy

Team Multi-play Championship (Swiss)
July 25 10 am

  • $30.00 entry fee (per 2 player team)
  • Each team is given 10 Boosters (3 Exp, 3 Aqua, 4 Sky)
  • They must construct 2 two 40 cards decks to compete with for 3 Sealed Rounds. Then 3+ rounds of Modified Constructed. Cut to top 8 teams for Rochester Draft.

  • Prizes
  • 1st 2 case each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 2000 foil promo cards! (200 each of Professor Elm, Rainbow Energy, and 6 Foil Energies plus 400 assorted foil cards), Trophies, Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 2nd 8 displays each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 1000 foil promo cards (1000 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies, plus 200 assorted foil cards), Trophies, Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 3rd-4th 4 display each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 600 foil promo cards (60 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 120 assorted foil cards), Trophies, Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 5th-8th 2 display each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 400 foil promo cards (40 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 80 assorted foil cards), Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 9th-16th 48 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 200 foil promo cards (20 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 40 assorted foil cards)
  • 17th-32nd 24 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 100 foil promo cards (10 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 20 assorted foil cards)
  • 33rd-64th 16 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 60 foil promo cards (6 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 12 assorted foil cards)
  • 65th-on 8 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 40 foil promo cards (4 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 8 assorted foil cards)

2003 Fan Appreciation Event
July 26 10 am

  • $6.00 entry fee
  • 3 rounds of Theme Deck Sealed (Theme Deck and 3 card-3 boosters), then 3+ rounds of Modified Constructed
  • top 8 card-e Rochester draft

  • Prizes
  • 1st 1 case each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 1000 foil promo cards! (100 each of Professor Elm, Rainbow Energy, and 6 Foil Energies plus 200 assorted foil cards), Trophy, Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 2nd 4 displays each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 500 foil promo cards (50 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies, plus 100 assorted foil cards), Trophy, Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 3rd-4th 2 display each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 300 foil promo cards (30 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 60 assorted foil cards), Trophy, Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 5th-8th 1 display each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 200 foil promo cards (20 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 40 assorted foil cards), Lots of other stuff! (can include complete sets of cards, promo items, sets of oversized cards, and so on)
  • 9th-16th 24 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 100 foil promo cards (10 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 20 assorted foil cards), 17th-32nd 12 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 50 foil promo cards (5 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 10 assorted foil cards)
  • 33rd-64th 8 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 30 foil promo cards (3 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 6 assorted foil cards)
  • 65th-on 4 boosters each of Neo Destiny, Expedition, Aquapolis, & Skyridge, 20 foil promo cards (2 each of Elm, Rainbow & 6 foil energies plus 4 assorted foil cards)

See you there! Remember, it's July 24th-27th. And in Indianapolis. Beg your parents to let you go. You know you want to. And they've always wanted to go to Indianapolis, why not make it your family trip for the Summer of 2003? Your family will remember it as the best summer ever!... or else.

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