1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-254
019 Rattata 020 Raticate 023 Ekans 024 Arbok 025 Pikachu 026 Raichu 027 Sandshrew 028 Sandslash 029 Nidoran (F) 032 Nidoran (M) 033 Nidorino 034 Nidoking 037 Vulpix 038 Ninetales 050 Diglett 051 Dugtrio 052 Meowth 053 Persian 054 Psyduck 055 Golduck 056 Mankey 057 Primeape 058 Growlithe 059 Arcanine 077 Ponyta 078 Rapidash 083 Farfetch'd 086 Seel 087 Dewgong 111 Rhyhorn 112 Rhydon 128 Tauros 133 Eevee 134 Vaporeon 135 Jolteon 136 Flareon 155 Cyndaquil 156 Quilava 157 Typhlosion 161 Sentret 162 Furret 179 Mareep 180 Flaaffy 181 Ampharos 190 Aipom 194 Wooper 195 Quagsire 196 Espeon 197 Umbreon 203 Girafarig 206 Dunsparce 209 Snubbull 210 Granbull 215 Sneasel 216 Teddiursa 217 Ursaring 220 Swinub 221 Piloswine 225 Delibird 228 Houndour 229 Houndoom 231 Phanpy 232 Donphan 234 Stantler 235 Smeargle 241 Miltank
Rage, Spite, Pursuit, Counter, Reversal, Beat Up, Fire Spin
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