EX Blanks.... Sooner Or Later... |
By Nick15 [Thursday, July 3 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: 12 Monkeys is another good movie.
Everyone's been bugging me about when I'm gonna make EX blanks. The answer is.... SOON. .... Well, not any time soon, mostly because I don't have very many EX cards to begin with. Money for me's been a little tight lately, so I don't have much to spare (I just spent $27 on a new belt, which pushed my spending limits outright). But once I get enough money and enough cards, EX blanks will be made. Just be patient.... it'll be worth the wait. :) |
Custom Blanks... Remember Them? |
By Nick15 [Thursday, July 3 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: Blargh.
Remember a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) when I used to have all those Custom Blanks? Sadly after different site rehashes and deletions, those blanks never saw the light of way on the site again. Now people have always been bugging me about them, and I did plan on adding them to the site, but sadly I just never had the time to work on them. Fortunatly though, DragonWave19 and his friend FangKing2003 decided to ressurect them one day. And they even made some energy symbols to go with them too. Pretty nifty! They sent them to me yesterday, and I added them to the site just last night. Good times. Click here to check out some of our Custom Blanks! DW19 said that their next plan is to make Dark versions of the blanks, so when they're done, you can expect them to make an appearence here. Enjoy! :D |
Forums revive! |
By RyoShin [Thursday, July 3 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: Three days.
The forums are back online, after a move to a faster server. |
Update on 6th Movie promo |
By RyoShin [Wednesday, July 2 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: ...
Thanks to EstelleBeanie1 for this info. |
Advance Tickets For 6th Movie Pass One Mil |
By RyoShin [Wednesday, July 2 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: Okay, apparently the forums went down because our host is moving us to faster servers. This is a good thing. However, we had to change the DNS, so if all goes well, the forums will be back either late today or tomorrow.
It seems that the Pokemon Movies still have some steam in Japan. According to Toonzone, the pre-sale count for the next movie, due in Japan on July 19th, have topped one million. |
By RyoShin [Tuesday, July 1 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: Only five days till I start college...
Okay, I have no dang clue what the heck is going on. Yes, the forums are down, and the pa.net domain seems to be, also. I'm currently looking into the situation. Please hang tight. |
Some Final Origins Business |
By Nick15 [Monday, June 30 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: It seems like I'm watching a lot of TV lately. Don't blame me, there's not much to do on Sundays. I'm sure you ALL know THAT feeling.
Well, Origins ended yesterday... but not without it's little surprizes. farbsman at WizPOG managed to pull together some of his own information concerning Nintendo's run of the Pokémon TCG in the existing topic concerning it. So like the good news analysist I am, I'll lay it all out for you. |
ADV VS.... What a Contridiction |
By Nick15 [Sunday, June 29 2003] |
A Quick Diversion: Anyone remember the old Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons on ABC? Those were so cool, and remain cool as I'm watching them right now. Good times. :)
[imagine two Japanese Pokémon TCG players walking down the street and they bump into each other] |