Gen Con 2003

Down The Meridian In Indianapolis
Down The Meridian In Indianapolis
Fire Truck. Wheee!
Fire Truck. Wheee!
Nice trees.
Nice trees.
Downtown Indianapolis
Downtown Indianapolis
The RCA Dome, GenCon HQ
The RCA Dome, GenCon HQ
People were walking around, and GenCon hadn't started yet. Heh
People were walking around, and GenCon hadn't started yet. Heh
A War Memorial
A War Memorial
Freddy was the bright face greeting me on Thursday Morning. Good times. :D
Freddy was the bright face greeting me on Thursday Morning. Good times. :D
GOOD GOD. Yes, it was a wall of Magic cards.
GOOD GOD. Yes, it was a wall of Magic cards.
The Pokémon TCG's happy little corner.
The Pokémon TCG's happy little corner.
Prof. Warbuzz
Prof. Warbuzz
IPGeek21. This is cool, it's like I have a collection of everyone now. They're MINE!
IPGeek21. This is cool, it's like I have a collection of everyone now. They're MINE!
A bunch of people
A bunch of people
More people
More people
PKMNX and Kaiserin Myuu
PKMNX and Kaiserin Myuu
GymLeaderPhil and DMTM
GymLeaderPhil and DMTM
The Big Boss; DMTM
The Big Boss; DMTM
Da Ladies Man; 'Sensei
Da Ladies Man; 'Sensei
The Wizards' Castle
The Wizards' Castle
Yee... more players
Yee... more players
Mr. Fullop and... guy. Sorry.
Mr. Fullop and... guy. Sorry.
Some Unlimited Play
Some Unlimited Play
More Unlimited Play
More Unlimited Play
Maple Wraith?
Maple Wraith?
Funny... the Nintendo icon was scratched out...
Funny... the Nintendo icon was scratched out...
More late night play
More late night play
MT Ice Cold... Ice ice baby. Sorry.
MT Ice Cold... Ice ice baby. Sorry.
Dark Mike and his Darkmobile. hehehe
Dark Mike and his Darkmobile. hehehe
I'm SO hard core.
I'm SO hard core.
Friday Morning, setting up for Team Multiplayer.
Friday Morning, setting up for Team Multiplayer.
Refreshments were expensive.
Refreshments were expensive.
Judge explaining Team Multiplayer
Judge explaining Team Multiplayer
If you played "Pokemon AAAH The Team", then you probably won. Neh...
If you played "Pokemon AAAH The Team", then you probably won. Neh...
UGHHH. Writing up the decklists for the Constructed deck AND the Sealed deck was bad enough. We also had to write up the list for what cards we DIDN'T use in Sealed. (@_@)
UGHHH. Writing up the decklists for the Constructed deck AND the Sealed deck was bad enough. We also had to write up the list for what cards we DIDN'T use in Sealed. (@_@)
Sealed construction
Sealed construction
Ditto hat
Ditto hat
Camera time!
Camera time!
Gymbo and Camera
Gymbo and Camera
Waiting for the start
Waiting for the start
A Cool Poster
A Cool Poster
YOU! The one WITHOUT sunglasses!
YOU! The one WITHOUT sunglasses!
Dum de dum...
Dum de dum...
Who dat?
Who dat?
Rogued. I think Gen Con officially marks my hatred for coin flips and Baby Pokémon.
Rogued. I think Gen Con officially marks my hatred for coin flips and Baby Pokémon.
Fake card maniacs!
Fake card maniacs!
....card... sheet....
....card... sheet....
Sealed for the Fan Appreciation Tournament
Sealed for the Fan Appreciation Tournament
Judges judging
Judges judging
Handing out the Theme Decks
Handing out the Theme Decks
PKMNX again.
PKMNX again.
There were lots of these there.
There were lots of these there.
Voob voob
Voob voob
Dude, I am your father
Dude, I am your father
Final Round of the FAT...
Final Round of the FAT...
Holy Crap, look at all that Magic!
Holy Crap, look at all that Magic!
Let's look at that again
Let's look at that again
Late night EX booster draft
Late night EX booster draft
Folks in me pod
Folks in me pod
Mudkip has a big mough. YAAAHH
Mudkip has a big mough. YAAAHH
The two people
The two people
Speaking of Elvis...
Speaking of Elvis...
Wheedle, Weedle, same difference
Wheedle, Weedle, same difference
A few last-minute matches
A few last-minute matches
Staying in droves
Staying in droves
League play
League play
Kaiserin Myuu vs. Damon
Kaiserin Myuu vs. Damon
Lights out
Lights out
The next Pokémon?
The next Pokémon?
IP and Matt
IP and Matt
Last minute gamers
Last minute gamers
Big Pokéball
Big Pokéball
This WAS an Orc.
This WAS an Orc.