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E-Reader Features

The BIG thing about Expedition is that you can scan in almost every Expedition card into a Nintendo E-Reader device for Game Boy Advance and get a wacky fun crazy little thingy. Yeah. And this is the list of all the E-Reader features found in Expedition. Good times.

But first, a small pretext. Each E-Reader feature, although Pokémon specific, are of a specific type. There are:

Mini-Games: Little games you can play and rack up points with.
Movies: Although not exactly full-motion videos, you do get to watch a funny little movie clip involving the Pokémon(s) you scanned in. They usually have multiple endings and don't do much other than let you watch it.
Randomizers: Probably the oddest of the bunch, randomizers spin up totally random numbers. What are good these things, seriously?
New Attacks: You get to use a new attack, as if it was actually WRITTEN on the card. Not exactly a DCI-sanctioned feature.
Utility: Some cards have TCG-specific goodies, used to aid players while playing the game. This includes stuff like coin-flippers and timers.
Melody Box: The Melody Box is this little Jukebox inside your GBA. What you can do is combine different Music Clips (different melodies), Sound Effects (like different instruments for the melody), and/or backround Patters (which rotate in the back, adding a little visual effect to the whole thing). There's also a little Clefairy you can move around to adjust the pitch and the tempo of the melody. An interesting little bit. Good times.

With that said, below is the list of Expedition E-Reader features.... listing what Pokémon are needed to complete the feature, as well as what type of feature it is. Score.

Butterfree #38: Flower Power
[MINI-GAME] With Metapod and Caterpie, you get a little mini-game where Butterfree has to fly around and collect pollen while trying to avoid floating Koffing and attacking Beedrill.

Clefable #41: Metronome
[MOVIE] With Clefairy, you get to watch a little movie clip of Clefairy using its Metronome attack. Either it blows up, or turns the day into night (and gets chased off by a Haunter). Meh.

Cloyster #42: Kingler's Day
[MINI-GAME] With Kingler, Goldeen, and Magikarp, you assume the roll of Kingler. By holding down the A button to charge up an attack, you try and see how much Magikarp and Goldeen you can pick off. But if you hold it down too long, Kingler strains itself out for a few seconds. Make sure you avoid the Cloyster, because if you hit one, Kingler gets hurt and can't attack for a few seconds as well. Fun fun fun!

Dragonite #43: Flying Journey
[RANDOMIZER] Watch Dragonite fly past Pokémon over Toyko, New York, Holland, Moscow, and China... and see how many times it travels around the world. A fun but useless randomizer.

Machamp #51: Machop at Work
[MINI-GAME] With Machoke and Machop, you get to smash bolders as Machop. See how many out of 100 you can break before you get hit by one.

Magby #52: Magby & Magmar
[MOVIE] With Magmar, you get to see a cute little movie with a small fight between Magby and Magmar. So far it ends with Articuno freezing them, but me thinks there's other endings.

Mew #55: New Attack!
[ATTACK] Mew gets a new attack (obviously just for fun). Its attack is:

[PC] Strange Wave
The attack may cause a random effect to the Defending Pokémon.

[cringes] That game text is atrocious (grammar wise). So far the "random" attack seems to be just putting the Defending Pokémon to sleep. Like 5 times now.

Pichu #58: Hold Down Hoppip
[MINI-GAME] With Hoppip, you get to play a little mini game involving Pichu trying to keep Hoppip from flying away. HIGHLY ADDICTIVE.

Poliwrath #60: GO, Poliwrath!
[MINI-GAME] With [deep breath] Krabby, Shellder, Poliwag, Marill, and Poliwhirl, you get to play a racing minigame as Poliwrath. You have to swim to the goal versus Marill and Golduck. I'm still trying to figure this thing out.

Rapidash #62: Make A Dash!
[RANDOMIZER] Watch Rapidash making... uhm... a dash... and then see how many miles per hour it was going. Another randomizer. Good times.

Vileplume #69: Sweet Scent
[MOVIE] Watch a mini-movie with Vileplume using its Sweet Scent attack. So far it's only attracting Beedrills.

Chansey #72: Coin Flipper 1
[UTILITY] You get a non DCI-sanctioned coin flipper! It records heads/flips ratios as well as the precentage of heads. Score.

Dragonair #75: Lifesaver
[MOVIE] With Dratini, you get to watch a mini-movie of Dragonite saving some poor Pikachu from drowning. What Pikachu was doing in the middle of the ocean wasn't made clear to us. .... Maybe someone threw it in. I'd give Dragonite a 10 for its caring nature, but a minus one million for saving that little rat.

Gloom #78: Here Comes Gloom
[RANDOMIZER] With Oddish, you get another neat little randomizer. This time, Gloom uses its stinky powder to see how many Beedrills and Butterfree fall out from the trees. One of my personal faves.

Jynx #83: Gotcha!
[MOVIE] Watch two mini-movies; Either Pikachu getting smooched by Jynx... or Elekid chashing Smoochum, only to be paralyzed by Jynx to meet its kissy fate. Not good times for Elekid. [shrugs] Who cares about Pikachu.

Abra #93: MUSIC-Classical Tune
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Abra to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Bulbasaur #94: MUSIC-Pokémon Battle
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Bulbasaur to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Bulbasaur #95: SOUND-Hypnotize
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Bulbasaur to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Charmander #97: PATTERN-Electrode
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Charmander to get a Pattern for your Melody Box.

Charmander #98: MUSIC-Pokémon Theme Song
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Charmander to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Chikorita #99: SOUND-Chikorita
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Chikorita to get a Sound for your Melody Box. Chikorita's voice is SO KYUUUUUTE!! (^_^)

Chikorita #100: MUSIC-French Carousel
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Chikorita to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Corsola #102: Diving Corsola
[MINI-GAME] With Qwilfish, you get to play a little mini-game. The object of which is to guide Corsola down as it dives, trying to avoid the Qwilfish and Tentacool that are in your way and collecing air bubbles to restore health. Cute!

Cubone #103: SOUND-Organ
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Cubone to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Cyndaquil #104: SOUND-Cyndaquil
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Cyndaquil to get a Sound for your Melody Box. It says "Cynda!"

Cyndaquil #105: PATTERN-Climber
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Cyndaquil to get a Pattern for your Melody Box.

Ekans #108: SOUND-Aliens
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Ekans to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Gastly #109: MUSIC-Cave Tune
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Gastly to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Geodude #110: SOUND-Cymbals
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Geodude to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Houndour #113: SOUND-Classical Guitar
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Houndour to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Koffing #114: PATTERN-Gold Shimmer
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Koffing to get a Pattern for your Melody Box.

Larvitar #116: SOUND-Orchestra
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Larvitar to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Mareep #119: SOUND-Xylophone
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Mareep to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Meowth #121: SOUND-Chime
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Meowth to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Pidgey #123: PATTERN-Cleffa
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Pidget to get a Pattern for your Melody Box.

Pikachu #124: SOUND-Pikachu
[MELODY BOX] Ugh. Take a guess. 'PIKEA!!!'

Ponyta #126: MUSIC-Pallet Town
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Ponyta to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Rattata #128: SOUND-UFO
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Rattata to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Squirtle #131: PATTERN-Pikachu
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Squirtle to get a Pattern for your Melody Box.

Squirtle #132: MUSIC-Symphony
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Squirtle to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Tauros #133: SOUND-Clarinet
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Tauros to get a Sound for your Melody Box.

Totodile #134: SOUND-Totodile
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Totodile to get a Sound for your Melody Box. The sound it makes is "Wani!", short for Totodile's Japanese name "Waninoko". Which is odd since the Cyndaquil one says "Cynda!" and its Japanese name was "Hinoarashi", I believe. (Chikorita doesn't count because that was its Japanese name as well.) .... Did I find yet another Expedition error?!

Totodile #135: PATTERN-Noodles
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Totodile to get a Pattern for your Melody Box.

Vulpix #136: MUSIC-Guitar Tune
[MELODY BOX] Swipe Vulpix to get a Music Clip for your Melody Box.

Bill's Maintenance #137: Coin Flipper 2
[UTILITY] Like the Chansey Coin Flipper, only this one records how many heads you can flip in a row.

Professor Elm's Training Method #148: Pokémon Dual Timer
[UTILITY] It's a timer to... time yourself with in a timed match. Select from between 5 minutes to 99 minutes. Has a "Pikachu" motif to it.

Professor Oak's Research #149: e-Reader Dual Timer
[UTILITY] Same as above, but has a "e-Reader" motif to it.

Well, that's it.

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